The top 4 reasons that your house may have a rat infestation are:
Shelter - One of the main reason rats will try to infest your home is because of their need to find shelter especially during colder months. Rats are looking for warm shelter to live and infest and houses provide them with these conditions.
Food - It is no coincidence that rats are often found near places with abundant food sources. They need food to thrive and survive and houses have plenty of food sources for them to consume and grow. Your kitchen is one of their most favourite places in the house as it is loaded with food for their consumption. Bread, rice, pasta, cereal, vegetables, chocolate and biscuits. And cheese! And the easier it is for mice to nibble on your food, the more mice you’ll attract.
Water - Unlike mice, rats cannot survive on food and moisture alone and need constant water sources for their survival. Places such as leaky pipes, gardens etc provide them with the water they need.
Easy Access - The reason that your house is a target of a rat infestation could also be because it is very easy for them to gain access and find the above mentioned elements for their survival. Houses with a lot of cracks, damages and open doors are some of the most common targets of rat infestations.
Here are 7 ways to prevent rats from entering your home
Doors – Fitting bristle (or brush) strips to the bottom of doors prevent entry, especially in older properties where the door fit may not be snug.
Pipework – Seal holes around existing or new pipes with coarse grade stainless steel wire wool and caulking (pliable sealant).
Holes – These are often made in exterior walls for cables and pipes, check that old pipework holes are sealed too.
Air Bricks and Vents – Cover these with fine galvanised wire mesh, especially if they are damaged.
Eaves – Fix damaged roofing and use wire mesh to seal gaps.
Vegetation – Trim tree branches back from the house and where possible avoid plants growing up the sides of your property. Vines, shrubs or overhanging branches can be used for mice to get onto roofs. Overgrown vegetation close to the walls will offer mice shelter and potential nesting sites.
Lawns – Keep grass mown short to reduce shelter and seeds for food. Ideally, leave a gap between the building foundations and the garden.
Contact Us
Worried About Rats ?
If you think you have rats, it is important to act quickly to control the level of infestation and reduce the health risks posed by this rodent.
You can also take practical steps now to proof your home or business and prevent rats.
Call us on +353818001590 to arrange a free callout and get effective solutions to get rid of rats quickly.