Do You Think You Have Moths?
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Moths may look small and harmless but they can cause surprising amounts of damage to your clothing and textiles and stored products in general.
In Ireland there are four species of moth in particular, which can cause problems to fabrics and furnishings in your home or business.
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
It is very common to see Brown House moths in your home.
(Tineola bisselliella)
The Common Clothes Moth larvae is responsible for making irregular holes in fabrics.
(Tinea pellionella)
The Case-Bearing Clothes moth makes more regular holes in fabrics.
Similar to the Common Clothes moth.
More rare than the Common Clothes moth. Check imported goods such as hides or objects of animal origin.
(Endrosis sarcitrella)
White-Shouldered House moths are generally less damaging to textiles.
Normally one generation per year.
Often found in unheated outdoor buildings.
Larvae scavenge on a wide range of foods.