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Controlled Atmosphere Technology (CAT)

Controlled Atmosphere Technology (CAT) is a safe, effective solution used to treat delicate objects. Items such as museum artefacts, historical clothing, tapestries, antiquities, fragile textiles, paintings, books and antique furniture can all benefit from this treatment.

This form of fumigation is effective against textiles pests, including Case Bearing Clothes moth and Common Clothes Moth as well as woodworm (Common Furniture Beetle).

How CAT Fumigants Work

Objects or commodities are sealed within a specialist polymer membrane bubble – the controlled atmosphere – with extracted air replaced with regulated concentrations of Nitrogen or Carbon Dioxide gas.

This treatment effectively eliminates all life stages of pest insects and leaves no harmful residues on objects. This delicate process can take up to several weeks to effective completion.

  • Inert gases used in the controlled atmosphere make it suitable to treat fragile objects vulnerable to degradation and residue contamination.
  • Gases are also used to treat precious metals, copper, brass and silks
  • Nitrogen in particular is used with objects such as paintings to avoid changes in colour pigments due to fluctuations in humidity.

Fumigating Organic Food Produce

Carbon Dioxide fumigation is accepted by The Soil Association – and other verifying bodies – as a suitable treatment of organic food produce such as cereal, pulses, nuts, grains and dried fruits.

Relatively small quantities (1-20 tonnes) of commodities can be treated and several treatments can be carried out simultaneously.

For further information on our CAT fumigation service, or to arrange a free business survey, please call us.

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