Both homeowners and businesses have good reason to be concerned about cockroaches. How to get rid of cockroaches is the first thing that comes to mind when people see a cockroach scuttling across your floor, they’ll think that your premises are dirty, unhygienic and even unhealthy. Remember that cockroaches can spread a range of diseases, as well as trigger asthma and other allergies!
However, when people discover cockroaches in their premises, their first reaction is often to try and deal with the problem themselves. Indeed, some of these do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions can initially appear to be successful. However, they rarely solve the problem in the long term, with the result that infestations may recur.
How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches – Home Remedies
Let’s take a closer look at some of these DIY remedies.
Fabric softener
Can fabric softener kill cockroaches? Many people believe that fabric softeners suffocate cockroaches by blocking their skin pores. You can create a spray by mixing three parts fabric softener with two parts water. You then spray the mix near cockroach hotspots such as drains and bins.
The problem
The fabric softener mix can indeed kill cockroaches. However, for this method to be effective, you need to apply it directly to the cockroaches. It won’t affect any insects that it doesn’t touch. It is very difficult to spray the mix directly on the cockroaches because they usually hide themselves from humans. Therefore, this method is unlikely to clear an cockroach infestation.
Soap and water
If fabric softener doesn’t work, what about just using soap and water? This solution is also believed to suffocate cockroaches.
The problem
The problem again is that the solution has to be applied directly on the cockroaches, which if very difficult to do.
Is it true that cockroaches can’t stand the scent of lemon? Many people use a solution of water and lemon juice to clean their home after a cockroach sighting.
The problem
This method is effective, but not for the reason you might think. The scent of lemons does not affect cockroaches at all. What is effective, however, is cleaning your home!
Coffee grounds
Coffee can be used in two ways to deal with cockroaches. First, you can make a trap using a jar, water and coffee grounds. The cockroaches are attracted to the coffee and drown in the trap. Alternatively, you can sprinkle coffee around your home to repel the cockroaches.
The problem
Did you notice the problem with these two methods? One method assumes that cockroaches are attracted to coffee, while the other assumes they are repelled by it! Actually, cockroaches are indifferent to coffee. They neither love nor hate it. So coffee is unlikely to be an effective element in your DIY solution.
Bay leaves
Cockroaches are believed to find the smell of bay leaves repellent. According to this DIY solution, you need to crush bay leaves into a powder. You then sprinkle the powder around the cockroach hotspots in your home. The essential oils that are released when you crush the leaves are supposed to repel the cockroaches.
The problem
There is some truth in this solution. However, in order to create a smell repellent enough to irritate cockroaches, you’d need a jungle of bay leaves! The smell released by a few crushed leaves simply wouldn’t be powerful enough. After all, these are insects that will merrily tuck into animal faeces, so the smell of a little powder is unlikely to bother them too much.
It is thought that cockroaches also hate the smell of cucumbers. One popular DIY method is to place cucumber slices or peels overnight near cockroach hotspots such as sinks, kitchen counters, and cabinets.
The problem
Unfortunately, cockroaches don’t really mind the smell of cucumber. And this method might have the unintended consequence of attracting cockroaches to a free cucumber dinner.
So how can you get rid of cockroaches yourself
Simply use a mop and bucket!
Cockroaches are attracted to filth and food. If you remove the filth and food, you make your home less attractive to cockroaches. So you need to:
- Clean all floors, counters and work surfaces
- Empty bins on a regular basis
- Store food in airtight containers
- Clear up spillages and crumbs.
Professional cockroach control
The best way to exterminate cockroaches is with the help of a pest control professional.
The main issue with DIY solutions is that although they may seem to work, they don’t fully remove cockroaches from your property. This is because cockroaches often operate within dark areas, away from human sight. So, to the untrained eye, they may seem to have packed their bags and moved on, but more often than not they are just hiding in a different area.
A pest control professional can:
- Identify a cockroach problem
- Offer prevention advice
- Provide professional solutions to fully exterminate cockroaches
- Ensure the infestation doesn’t return.
Have a cockroach problem? Get in contact with Rentokil today!