Have you noticed an unusual, ammonia like smell, seen small dark droppings, greasy marks on walls or skirting boards or noticed shredded materials or gnaw marks? Then you may have mice in your property. Mice are usually nocturnal and can...
What usually attracts mice to your home or business? The desire for food, of course! Your kitchen is most likely a treasure trove of tasty morsels, including bread, rice, pasta, cereal, vegetables, chocolate and biscuits. And cheese! And the...
Mice are unwelcome intruders in any part of your home. However, the presence of mice in your kitchen can be a particularly upsetting dilemma. This, after all, is where you prepare and maybe even consume your food. But who...
Your car is your reliable friend, roaring, humming or spluttering to life every day and taking you from place to place. However, did you know it could also be a friend to rats and mice? These creatures might take...
With spring around the corner, people are getting ready to get their gardens into shape. Time to start clearing the deadwood and taking away the last of fallen leaves. But there may also be some unwanted pests lurking beneath the...
So, as I’m sure you are all aware, winter is quickly rearing it’s cold, dark head around the corner and along with the freezing weather, it also likes to bring with it mice! Mice are truly amazing creatures. Able to adapt...